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New version of Weldspec supports the latest ISO 15614-1 standard

Hi everyone.

One of the most valuable functions of Weldspec and Welderqual is the built-in code rules which have been extracted from ASME IX, ISO 15614-1, 2, ISO 9606-1, 2 and AWS D1.1. These help to ensure that your documentation is complete and compliant.

This year has been a busy year with new editions of three of the codes. There is a new revision to ISO 9606-1, the 2017 revision, but the only changes are the annexes which have been added to highlight harmonisation with PED. There are no changes to the body of the document.

ISO 15614-1 has undergone a major change, though. It now includes two levels, level 2, which was based on the previous revision of ISO 15614:2012 and level 1, which is based on the requirements of ASME IX. In Weldspec, we’re adopting only level 2 for the time being. There’s a detailed article on the 2017 revision of ISO 15614 on TWI’s corporate web-site, which was written by Marcello Consonni, Bill Lucas and myself. Click here to see it.

My colleague Marcello is also running a full day training course on the 2017 edition of ISO 15614-1. There are three course in Cambridge and Middlesbrough during December and January. Click here for more information.

We have just released an updated version of our Weldspec software that complies with the new revision of ISO 15614-1 that is available to all our subscribed users.  To download the new software just log in to my account on this website and your available software downloads will appear.

Don’t forget that we’re happy to give advice to software users on the application and interpretation of the codes and standards on which the software is based. Just email