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About TWI Software and TWI Ltd

About TWI Software

As internationally renowned experts in all aspects of materials joining and engineering, TWI is ideally placed to develop software to support companies in welding, engineering, asset management and training.

Bringing this expertise to bear, TWI has been developing and selling software products to support customers in welding management and integrity management for over 30 years.

Our software helps save time and money and improve the quality of documentation and decision-making, while ensuring safety, integrity and compliance with industry codes and standards.

Whether you want assistance in making complex decisions, producing documentation or improving safety through the correct implementation of complex calculations and algorithms, TWI Software can help.

TWI Software can offer off-the-shelf or customised products to suit your needs, as well as being able to assist with data transfer and integration of existing systems.

With full technical support to assist software users, and training packages we  can ensure that your company realises the full benefits of our products.

Quality assurance

You can be sure of the quality of TWI Software, with the TWI Quality Assurance system being accredited to ISO 9001:2008. TWI has also obtained TickITplus certification for software development at foundation level.

About TWI

TWI Ltd is one of the world’s foremost independent research and technology organisations, with expertise in materials joining and engineering processes as applied in industry. TWI specialises in innovation, knowledge transfer and in solving problems across all aspects of manufacturing, fabrication and whole-life integrity management.

Established in Cambridge, UK in 1946, the organisation has gained a first-class reputation for service through its teams of respected engineering consultants, scientists, engineers and support staff. With around 800 employees, it works with over 1800 Industrial Member companies in over 70 countries.

TWI currently operates from 54,000 square metres (581,000 square feet) of manufacturing, testing and training space; five UK and 13 overseas facilities serve both its Industrial Membership and its training and examination needs. A successful international training and examinations programme sees around 25,000 students trained each year in welding and inspection technologies.

TWI also houses a professional institution, The Welding Institute, with a separate membership of 6000 individuals.

Find out more about what we do.